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Here a few images

Michael Rosenbaum AKA. Lex on smallville


Give it up for Mr. Josh Stafford

Andrew Felton

I crack myself up...

Floyd (you'll never get him CRAYOLA!

The Cokmaster!

<---My best Friend Matt and his hero

Boo and Sarah D

Evan Davis

Matt again

Boo and Jared

Abe Swingle, remember the name, he is the soon to be anarchist king of the world, remember the little people bud!

A better side of Evan


my family

mariah (voguing) & sarah in my room

Matt (Schoony)

giddy up!!

me again

Mariah & Me(2000) just merely freshman

DeReK-me-cameron(transexual day at skewl)

Sammi Jo and Jodi Rae

baby...cuz ima...STUD!!!!

and yet another...

Abe and Jack Hannah

Sarah and steph FLEX

Jay and Bob :)

jared ray

nick perkins

for more photos check out the next photo page